
Saturday, March 19, 2011

The sun came out!

The boy helped me weed this morning and learned the hard way that I talk to my plants. Oh, fern! You're starting to grow back! How did you get a weed growing in you like that? and all that.

Did you know that when two people weed you get twice as much work done in half the time? It's freaking fantastic.


  1. If you guys want, you can come over to my place...I weeded for an hour and a half, and I'm not sure I can even tell I've done anything! (I talk to my plants, too. And most of the perennials have names. I did a little song for Rhu-Barbara this afternoon.)

  2. Heather, you caused me having a good laugh. Now you can come down to TX, to my house and we can weed my garden together in half the time it would take me doing it all by myself.
    Talking to the plants is something, I think every gardener does, incl. me. LOL

  3. PJ, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who talks to my plants! We gardeners are a weird bunch. :)
