
Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy new year to ME!

My hellebores are blooming! Oh happy day!

And then this happened. I'm assuming these are hyacinths that I planted last fall.

Though I'm kind of wondering where the rest of them are . . . it looks sort of dumb to have two random bulbs in a sea of brown.

And my daphne is forming buds!

Is it time to start gardening again? How about now?


  1. Ahhhh, the promise of spring! I've started to see growth on the bottom of all of my sedums and we've had seasonable warm weather here in NJ so I'm all sorts of pumped up. Any green is good!

  2. It's so nice to find other gardeners who are as amped to get out in the mud. :)

  3. I've been checking out my windows every morning!! So, far the Daphne is the only thing showing any promise. But, I have hellebores on my wish list to add this year. I had them at my old house and they were always the harbingers of spring. I miss them...

  4. We should go hellebore shopping next fall! I want more. A thousand times more.

  5. Oh, that Daphne is going to smell A-MAZ-ING! I've seen growth at the bases of lots of plants. I have quite a few in the back yard that haven't even gone dormant yet - which is a bit worrisome to me...then again, I can always find something to fret about.

  6. I'm worrying that the bulbs that are emerging will get hit by a late cold snap and die. We've had such an unusually warm winter . . .

    Greg told me I should make a new year's resolution to stop worrying so much and then we laughed and laughed, because what would I do with myself then?

  7. OMG, I am so not ready to garden. I totally lost my gardening mojo at the end of last season and I haven't gotten it back yet. I take the seed catalogs I get and pile them up on the table, hoping eventually I'll muster up the desire to choose again. I don't know what happened to me!!

    Next year I've GOT to plant me some hellebores. I wish I had a Real Yard.

  8. Oh! So jealous! We've had a few really warm days lately (it was in the mid-50s yesterday! Unheard-of for Michigan in January) and I am jonesing for spring.

  9. It sounds like a LOT of gardeners are seeing things spring up earlier than normal so you may be able to get out their sooner than usual. It makes me really nervous when I should be excited. Okay, I'm still excited. But also nervous!

  10. Isn't all this growth amazing? I know I walk around my garden getting so excited I feel a tinge of spring fever coming on. Then 5 seconds later I'm in full on panic as I realize it's only January 7th and all sorts of bad weather could lay just around the corner. Perhaps if worry enough about it then it will stay away...

  11. I know! I'm terrified that we'll get snow or, worse, flooding. This weather reminds me of 1996. I don't really want to find out how water tight my basement is, you know?
