
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bloom Day February 2012

Here in 8b we've had a very mild winter and yet this is the only bloom I have in my yard at the moment. Good thing it's showy.

Helleborus x ballardiae 'HGC Cinnamon Snow'

We have lots of bulbs starting to poke up, my daphne is *this close* to blooming, and I'm hoping that by next month my flowering currants may be putting on a show. Note to self: plant crocuses and snowdrops for next winter so you have as many blooms as some of the others on the garden bloggers' virtual tour.


  1. so jealous of your hellebores!! I guess I should go check my garden. Man, I cannot get into it this season.

  2. I want more! So many more! And I feel you--it's not very fun to visit the garden as it's all weeding and no blooms right now.

  3. That is certainly a very pretty hellebore! My three are a little sluggish this year so it's nice to see your's flowering on this Bloom Day!

  4. Hasn't this winter been unreal? After I cut everything back this weekend, I only have a few blooms on my Parrotia's better than nothing! Every year I add a few more bulbs...and you're right, I need a few of those REALLY early bulbs tucked in around...but man, it's SO HARD to plant bulbs in the fall, when you're shoving aside all the other plants!

  5. Your blooms are beautiful! I suffer from hardcore tulip lust so I never want to waste money on bulbs that bloom earlier but don't look as pretty in the catalog. I thought my hyacinths would be out by now. :(

  6. I laughed at your double entrendre--I hope your hellebores aren't being eaten by slugs and are just a little slow this year. :)

  7. I love the Hellebores- I posted a bloom for Valentines! Great shot!
