
Friday, July 27, 2012

Because I'm lucky

My friends Scott and Carrie had a weeping blue atlas cedar in a raised planter they built. They could have sold it for a fair amount of money but they are super friends so they offered it to me. There was just one catch: I had to help dig it out.

The planter is a good four feet high, so digging it out meant climbing atop chairs and dead lifting it out. It was pretty grueling, muddy work but luckily Carrie does triathlons, so she's strong. I am out of shape and kept having to sit down because I was lightheaded.

Once we had it out of the ground I had to run to Fred Meyer (the only place still open) so I could root through the dregs of their large pots (WHICH SHOULD BE ON CLEARANCE NOW, YOU JERKS). I needed to think about where it would live permanently, so some time in a pot was necessary. I put it in the only area of the beds with open space: to the left of the Cryptomeria.

I think I like it here. I can move the peonies that are right behind it and the blue is nice against the wine colored ninebark.

Greg, always the pragmatist, thinks it will get too big here and compete with the Cryptomeria. I think I want to plant it here anyway. Mature plant sizes be damned!


  1. I love it there! I say plant it and transplant the Cyrptomeria once it becomes an issue :-)

  2. oops...I just looked up how big the Cryptomeria will much for good advice! You could always limb-up the Cryptomeria, though...the Cedar only gets, what, 8' tall?

  3. So if the cedar weeps away from the cryptomeria, they shouldn't run into each other above ground, right? Right? I swear we can make this work.

  4. I love that deep blue, and the way it looks with the Heuchera(?) flowers in front of it. With a little careful training away from the cryptomeria, I think you could plant it there. I like the look of the cedar in the big pot though - have you considered leaving it in that? Then you could just turn it if it heads the wrong way.

  5. You have obviously been cultivating the best kind of friends...generous AND strong.

  6. I like it in the pot too! I only worry about it drying out or needing more care than I'll remember to give it. Maybe I just need to buy a really big pot . . .

  7. Indeed! They have a super cute kid who calls me Aunt Hedder, too. :)
