
Friday, November 2, 2012

My poor tree

I'm practicing tough love with the Cryptomeria  in the backyard. After a year with stakes and wires, we're burning its bra. It's going to have to learn to stand on its own.

Rise up!

Initially it flopped forward, now it seems to want to go back. If it can't support itself by next winter I'll relocate it and plant the tree I really wanted: a Korean fir. They are prettier but they grow so slowly.


  1. The more I think about it, you should totally move it...get the Fir (it's the one with the purple cones, right?). Yeah it's slow-growing, but you'll get to have fun with a sunny border for a few years and then have shade after that...just think of it as a small shrub for the first few (dozen) years ;-)
    Oh, did I mention the best part...PURPLE PINE CONES...FTW!

  2. We've had pretty good luck with most things deciding to straighten up and fly right once we cut their apron strings. Our Abies has doubled in size in two years. We have it in a big pot right by the front entry so we can enjoy those cones up close.

  3. I dunno, that guy doesn't look like he's going to straighten up. Just get the tree you want, I say.

  4. Yep, that's the one. Such beautiful cones!

  5. Ooh, I thought it grew much more slowly than that--you are giving me hope!

  6. Get the Abies koreana you REALLY want, because the longer you leave the Cryptomeria in, the harder it will be for you to remove it, both physically and emotionally. Scott has exactly the right idea!

  7. Okay, you all have convinced me! But where can I move the cryptomeria to?

  8. Oh, sorry, this is the wanton plant acquisition department. Please hold while I connect you to someone in relocation....

  9. You all are the best enablers. :)
