
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Garden bloggers' bloom day January 2013

It finally got really cold here in Portland. As a result, I finished all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls (spoiler alert: everything turned out okay) but I'm still working on my knitting project. I find my mind wandering to the garden and I'm starting to obsess over problem spots in the yard again. I missed that.

And things are blooming! Aren't winter blooming plants the best?

Helleborus x ballardiae 'HGC Cinnamon Rose'

NOID Penstemon

Mahonia x media 'Arthur Menzies'

Salvia 'Black and Blue'

My daphne is budding and my crocuses are poking out of the ground, so I'm hoping the next bloom day should be a good one. Check out May Dreams Gardens to see what else people have blooming this month.


  1. Disqus insisted that I change to a different browser. Now I forgot what I was going to say about your lovely flowers. Happy Bloom Day.

  2. Oh no! What browser were you in and what finally worked?

  3. Great hellebores and mahonia. Nothing blooming in this neck of the woods.

  4. I only wish the hellebores were somewhere I could see them better. They're tucked away in a corner of the backyard.

  5. My hellebores are in a less than perfect spot also. I think they need to be in a raised bed somewhere to make the downward nodding flowers more noticeable.

  6. I have the same problem with my wild ginger. They have gorgeous flowers! You just need to be a slug to see them under the leaves.

  7. Love your blog and after the Gilmore Girls mention, I know why. :) No winter gardening in MN, so I live vicariously.

  8. Nice blooms! And of course you've got me wondering how your agaves are doing since that one snuck in the photo there at the end.

    I get the same message that Nell gets when I try and comment in IE, but when I switch to Chrome (on the laptop) then I can comment but get odd spits and spurts with the Disqus section. Now tonight I'm on the iPad and everything is golden!

  9. Thank you! Greg doesn't understand the appeal of GG at all, so it's nice to have people who understand.

  10. Wasp dudes! Awesome stuff keep it up.

  11. Thumbs up guys your doing a really good job
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  12. This is a great looking garden, I would love to know what garden tools were used to make it look this good.
