
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Garden bloggers' bloom day May 2013

My garden is awash in purples, blues, and pinks right now.

Iris tenax

Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna'

Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies'

Rhazya orientalis

Parahebe perfoliata

Allium christophii
Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation' and Syringa pubescens spp. patula 'Miss Kim'

Geranium 'Rozanne'

Senecio stellata 'Giovanna's Select'

Echium candicans 'Star of Madeira'

Anchusa azurea 'Alkanet'

Verbascum bombyciferum 'Arctic Summer'

Acer palmatum varr. atropurpureum 'Bloodgood'

Effing dandelions


Aquilegia caerulea 'Krystal'

Vancouveria hexandra

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold'

Sambucus nigra

Heuchera 'Hollywood'

Lupinus regalis 'Thomas Church'

Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'

Sisyrinchium bellum

Nicotiana alata x sanderae 'Crimson Bedder'



That Verbascum is my favorite right now. Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting. It's finally the month of her dreams!


  1. Well, you know I'm partial to purples and blues, so I'm giddy from all your blooms :-) I'm so super-jealous of your 'Thomas Church' looks enormous! Mine is not bigger than it was when I planted it (granted I planted it right before our heat stupid).

  2. I LOVE the salvia in the second pic. My favorite :)

  3. Lovelovelove your blooming Echium! wish mine were blue not pink. I'm also wondering how big that 'Thomas Church' bloom is, it looks huge and very sturdy.

  4. They're all so beautiful. I especially like the Efing dandelions. Is that a variety named after the famous plant eplorer Bertram Efi? I love the way they seed about and pop up in unexpected places providing welcome sunny flowers at the first sign of spring warmth. Their greens are edible and dandelion wine is also made from them. The magical seedheads are sometimes present at the same time as blooms and make quite a pretty picture. Maybe you should bring some to the next plant exchange.

  5. I can't believe how much more floriferous your garden is this year from last. I love the Echium: did you actually winter that over in the garden?? Plus that deep purple Salvia is to die for. I love every Lewisia in every color. And such a sweet reminder: my dear Mum grew and loved Syringa 'Miss Kim' and seeing it always makes me think of her. Happy Bloom Day!

  6. I agree about the verbascum. They always seed around, but the only one to come up this year is smack in the middle of R's tomato bed, so it will soon be purged, poor thing.

  7. Oh, that's so sad. I need to get another start so I can have blooms next summer.

  8. I didn't overwinter that Echium, I think I got it in March? So yeah, this may be the only time I get to enjoy the blooms. :(

  9. Yes!The same Bertram Efi that discovered the wild morning glory and the popweed sport I have in my back garden. I'll bring you some!

  10. The Thomas Church bloom is pretty normal sized for a lupine, so yeah, pretty big!

  11. Isn't it great? I wish I had more!

  12. Oh no! I still have faith that yours will get there. Annie said it was vigorous and she wouldn't lie to us, right?

  13. Did you grow your Crimson bedder from seed? mine are so tiny ,I've just now planted them out. Your garden is looking great , I'm so jealous of the blooming Echium , Mine is DEAD in a pot in doors !

  14. So many gorgeous blooms! I'm glad to see your 'Carradonna', I just planted some last fall and I hope they look as good as yours. Your lupine and Echium are fantastic, and apparently we share a taste for Allium 'Purple Sensation'.

  15. Blues and purples are just fine with me. Your garden looks lovely this month. Happy GBBD.

  16. Beautiful spring flowers, Heather. I particularly like the blues and the delicate blooms on the Japanese Maple. Thanks for sharing your pics - and for the condolences posted on my blog.

  17. Wow - that Echium is amazing! I have never seen anything like it! If you want more of the Caradonna, I have plenty of seedlings to give away. And Jane said you practically live up the street from me! We should geek out on plants together some time! :)

  18. Anna, I would love to meet up! And I would love Caradonna seedlings!
