
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The happiest place on earth

Last week Greg and I traveled to Anaheim to go to Disneyland with my brother, my sister-in-law, and their two girls, along with a smattering of grandparents and friends. We went swimming a lot, rode as many scary rides with my mom as possible (my dad's not a fan), and I bored Greg discussing the landscaping in and around Disneyland.

We also spent a few nights at Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Room. We love tiki and my brother really, really loves tiki, so we had a great time. I accidentally bought too many tiki glasses.

The trip was expensive, even staying at the cheapo Best Western, but it was so much fun. Screw dinners and flowers, I think the most romantic thing in the world is Greg voluntarily spending his vacation time with my family and allowing three little girls to demand that he hold their hands, go swimming with them, sit next to them on rides, or not hold my hands so they can. We don't want kids of our own but I am so grateful to my siblings for giving me such wonderful nieces and nephews. I miss them so much now that we're back home.

Phoebe having a staring contest with Greg

I missed my garden while we were away and it was noticeably larger when we returned. It rained the whole time we were gone, GOOD JOB PORTLAND!

I tried not to be that annoying girl taking photos of the landscaping, especially when I had such cute little girls nearby, but I snapped a few with my phone. California Adventure was particularly nice, with lots of desert plants, including a mass planting of Agave americana that I wanted to photograph but there were so many strollers between me and it.

But really, I bought too many tiki glasses. What was I thinking?


  1. It sounds like you had a great time! Perhaps you were thinking that you like tiki glasses. Just think of all the tiki themed parties you can have in your garden this summer!

  2. Exactly! We already had all those tiki torches, what else could I do?

  3. You can never have too much tiki !

  4. Tiki glasses...disco ball...a theme seems to be developing here.

  5. Oh, I hope so. My glass storage would beg to differ but what does it know?

  6. California is great! Combine Disneyland with cute nieces and a beloved partner, how can you miss?

  7. It sounds like you had a great time in the golden state too! :)

  8. So do your tiki glasses glow from inside too or was that just a trick at the bar?

    Oh and I'm glad someone got rain for her garden while she was gone, I don't think Patricia is ever going to talk to me again after she had to water mine for the last 3 days in our freak heat-wave...

  9. The drinks had led ice cubes in them (which we stole) so they are indeed glowing. Poor Patricia!

  10. Disneyland 20 years ago would have big fancy beds of bedding plants all laid out like Butchart Gardens. Last year we were there and there were a lot of xeric, native, and minimalist plantings, not many flowers. Quite a difference.
