
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Garden bloggers' bloom day February 2014

I've always felt that February is the cruelest month. The only bright side is that it's also the shortest. Thank goodness for bright spots like crocuses.

Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance'

Mahonia 'Underway'

Helleborus x ballardiae 'HGC Pink Frost'

Sarcococca ruscifolia

The last of the blooms are clinging to Mahonia x media 'Arthur Menzies', which got pretty beat up by the snow.

I'm so ready for spring and more blooms. I think the hummingbirds are too, they're sick of fighting over my slim pickings.

Happy bloom day! Be sure to check out the fun over at May Dreams Garden.


  1. I've got slim pickings too! No Crocuses here yet, though, so you're lucky to have those blooming.

  2. I wish I had planted more crocuses last fall. I couldn't believe how happy I was to see bees in the garden again!

  3. I bought two heated hummingbird feeders this year, and I think it's helped them survive the snowpocalypse(s) here in Albany. They're made by a retired couple in town, and they're great. Their web site is and I've been really happy with them. (I don't have any financial interest; just think they're nice people with a good product.) Gayle

  4. Also, the Hellebore with the speckles in my post is called Spring Promise Charlotte.

  5. Crocus clearly like your weather better than ours down south - I only had one bloom, which I didn't bother to show. I hope things warm up in your garden soon!

  6. Thanks so much! I had no idea they made heated feeders--I'm definitely going to order one.

  7. They must like a bit of chill. Good thing you have so many other blooms in your garden!

  8. Sorry, the link was incorrect for the heated hummingbird feeders. It should be

  9. Your patch of crocus looks so cheerful! Halfway through February, not long now till spring!

  10. Like Alison , I've got few blooms, I keeping checking , but no Crocuses yet !

  11. The bright colors of crocus are so welcome this time of year. I planted a few several years ago and thanks to the squirrels and my messy transplanting of other plants, they've become quite numerous and popped up in all sorts of places. Wandered out today between downpours and saw that the earliest ones are blooming. Hooray.

  12. I've never really gotten into crocuses (they seem to bloom for only a few seconds) but yours are so cheery I may need to change my mind.

  13. Love those yellow crocuses! Looking forward to meeting you in person at the fling.
