
Monday, June 23, 2014

Want to attend the 2014 ANLD Tour?

I had the good fortune to attend a sneak peek of this year's Association of Northwest Landscaper Designers' (ANLD) Tour, which will take place next Saturday, June 28th. Six gardens were showcased, with designers flexing their muscles to combat challenges like tiny urban plots, bad drainage, and the need for a beautiful garden that could accommodate a tractor driving through it (!).

The Best garden

The Malone garden

The Malone garden
There was plenty of great hardscaping to ogle and a hefty dose of plant porn, especially in the Ernst and Williams gardens.

The Ernst garden, which will be featured in this year's Garden Bloggers' Fling

Podophyllum 'Red Panda'? in the Ernst garden

Aloe suprafoliata in the Moore garden

I came away with a lot of ideas I'd like to steal and a profound respect for the association. The passion and support those members in the ANLD show for each others' work in incredible. All proceeds from the tour benefit the ANLD scholarship fund. Tickets for the tour are available at Portland Nursery, Cornell Farms, Dennis' Seven Dees, Garden Fever!, and Xera Plants. If that's not tempting enough, I'm giving away two tickets for the tour. Just head over to Facebook and like ANLD, then leave a comment here saying, "Count me in" or something to that effect. I'll announce the winner on Thursday morning!


  1. This looks like a great garden tour. Happy stealing!

  2. It's a great tour. And in these pics without people in them, you can see that these gardens shine!

  3. Wow, you captured some beautiful shots. I need to hire one of these firms to overhaul my yard!

  4. Yes! Count me in! I'm in Salem and we have a very small garden tour here to benefit our children's museum. I always come away inspired! I'd love to see these gardens!

  5. Looks like a fantastic tour. We have many garden walks here, but none put together by garden designers that I know of.
