
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Garden bloggers' bloom day July 2014

My god, where has the year gone? Did you know it's July? Despite the fact that I celebrated the 4th of said month with fireworks and all that, and the Fling came and went, I was sort of floored to realize that it's not June anymore. And July is that wonderful time of year when I stand in the garden, swearing at myself for not better documenting the 900 kinds of lilies I planted in the spring. And why did I plant one that will get eight feet tall smack dab in the front of the bed?

Everything is blooming right on schedule except for my Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgandy,' which is shy this year. We're all lilies and grasses right now, which is just fine by me.

Silk Road is wonderfully scented. One stem decided to fall over so I just had to cut it and bring it inside. You can smell it all the way in the back bedrooms from the dining room. It's worth the allergy flair-up.

Silk Road
'Alchemy'  has a much less perfumey scent and is citrusy. It's wonderful.

'Conca d'Or' is enormous!
'Miss Libby' looking a little past her prime.
Good old 'Stargazer'

Some other newer additions for the garden this year:

Clematis Jackmanii
Plume poppy (Macleaya cordata) has a dusty pink bloom I normally wouldn't like.

Helenium 'Mardi Gras'

Eryngium giganteum 'Miss Willmott's Ghost'

Eucomis reichenbachii

Liatris spicata 'Kobold'

Coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby' improbably survived the winter.

Tithonia rotundifolia
Chionochloa rubra is blooming for the first time!

A very happy (late) bloomday to you! Thank you, as always, for hosting Carol!


  1. Wow such lovely blooms! Are they in your garden? Love the deep blue clematis!

  2. Yep, these are all in my garden. I might be a little too flower-heavy. :)

  3. You do have a lot of Lilies…beautiful ! I have Miss Libby, she nearly toppled over , a bit of staking needed .

  4. Yep, mine is harnessed to the fence!

  5. So many Lilies...and YAY for your Chionochloa! We need to ask the Lily Garden lady to let us come visit their fields soon, so we can smell all the lilies and be able to judge which ones we REALLY want.

  6. So many fab flowers, but especially the lilies! I love them. I also have to find that Eucomis somewhere.

  7. I love seeing all your lilies in the garden with their huge dangling stamens intact (I know, that sounds rather improper...) And just what are you feeding that Clematis jackmanii? The color is spectacular!

  8. So many wonderful lilies! I already knew I needed more but now I'm wondering if I can go on-line and place an advance order so I don't miss out again next year.

  9. I've been forgetting to water that clematis--maybe that's it?

  10. Mine are all from The Lily Garden. Her bulbs are awesome.

  11. Saw many of your great lilies in the Fling gardens as well. You guys make it look so easy!

  12. am i the only one who doesn't grow lilies in Portland? clearly there's a conspiracy here

  13. It's super common but soooo pretty.

  14. We've all been wondering when you were going to join the party. :p

  15. I'll have you know that I worked very hard to forget where these were planted and step on the emerging foliage over and over again this spring. It was exhausting work.

  16. I'm a rebel, Heather....I'm a loner

  17. That clematis is such a saturated blue. WANT! Love all those lilies, too. I like the contrast of tall and splashy against short and grassy. Actually, that sounds like a bad date. Nevermind. :)

  18. Or like a one-off drugstore cologne. If you like Calvin Klein's Obsession, you'll love Tall and Splashy.

  19. Looking great. I tried (and failed) twice to grow Tithonia from seed. I'm hoping I find a seedling someday at a nursery to plant in my garden in hopes that it will do better reseeding naturally.

    I wish I could grow Miss Wilmott's Ghost. Armitage says it performs better in the PNW than in the South. I wonder if he's right...

  20. Can I get in on that trip to the Lily Garden? I'm all atwitter over 'Alchemy'. The tithonia and helenium also ring my bell.

  21. I got my Tithonia from Annie's Annuals, who does mail order. Might be worth it. :) Apparently Miss Willmott can do a little TOO well here--people tell me I'll always have it now.

  22. 900 kinds of lilies! Oh my! That's some serious hole digging. Your blooms are gorgeous! Now I know where to come when I need a flower fix.

  23. It's a flower floozie farm over here, for sure.

  24. Hi Heather,

    So nice to meet you at the Fling and to now see the pretty blooms of your garden! I too, love lilies and have 'Silk Road' in bloom. But I need to get more... Love that shot of the Tithonia, the lighting is so beautiful. Thank you once again for being part of the Portland GBF. It was amazing!!!!!

  25. How come your Jackmanii is that amazing blue when mine is just plain ol' purple? Is there something in the water??? I'd like to get in on that Lily trip too. Love them all!

  26. You know, I think my camera got the color off. It looked right on my computer monitor but every other device I look on makes it look less purple than it is in real life. I'm misleading!
