Showing posts with label get off my lawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get off my lawn. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

I like dogs more than I like dog owners

Overnight my Devon Skies blue-eyed grass went from looking like this:

To this:

I'm thinking dog urine is the culprit. Anyone have any other theories? I think it's going to live but it looks UGLY right now.

The other day I was weeding in the front garden and a woman came by with her two dogs. One went into my hell strip and peed all over my Aristea inaequalis and she looked right at me and said, "Good boy." People can be jerks.

Monday, July 1, 2013

We are now those people

I gave in and ordered a No Solicitors sign, as it's been getting out of hand at our house. Would we like to sign a petition to ban plastic bags statewide? Would we like to donate money to this? Would we like to donate money to fight that same thing? They often come at ungodly hours, like 8am on a Sunday morning. Unless you have a petition banning door to door petitions, I want you to GO AWAY (except for you, I like you).

We bought it from this Etsy seller, from whom we also bought our house numbers.

And then I took down the bird feeder in back so I could hang up the disco ball. More fun for us, less fun for the birds. And possibly less sleep for our neighbor; that might be his bedroom window behind the fence there.